Full MANGA Alchemists
Veteran comics podcaster Tim and monster theorist Patrick now enter season two, a chapter-by-chapter look at Hitoshi Iwaaki's PARASYTE! Scroll back for season one, our chapter-by-chapter discussion of Hiromu Arakawa's FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!
115 episodes
Parasyte 6: "Tamiya Ryoko" (a.k.a. "Tamara Rockford")
Shinichi’s teacher is a parasyte! Does that mean he and his classmates are in danger? Or, is Migi correct to admire this parasyte’s adaptability? Tim and Patrick discuss the chapter, and continue to compare the 1998 Mixx/Tokyo ...
Season 2
Episode 6

Parasyte 5: "Studyholic"
In the ‘90s, when Americans were just beginning to read manga, the translator had to either do a lot of handholding, explaining relevant bits of Japanese society, or change them into things that were familiar to Western readers. We see a lot of...
Season 2
Episode 5

Parasyte 4: "Killer's Aura"
This chapter of Hitoshi Iwaaki’s PARASYTE gives us a lion preying on humans, and then recoiling in fear of a parasyte, and Shinichi apparently bringing similar fear to a rival for Satomi Murano’s affections. Tim and Patrick share horror stories...
Season 2
Episode 4

Parasyte 3: "Contact"
Shin believes he’s the only human who understands what the “Mincemeat Murders” really are. Should he tell someone? Should he have Migi examined? Hitoshi Iwaaki begins to build his themes of “sensing danger” and the difference - or lack thereof ...
Season 2
Episode 3

Parasyte 2: "Wild Animal"
Parasyte chapter 2 is a bit all over the place - humor, splatter scenes, and sexual references which don’t at all represent the direction the rest of the series will go. But we see the parasyte in Shinichi’s hand, now called “Migi”, learn about...
Season 2
Episode 2

Parasyte 1: "Invasion"
This time, we go back to 1989 and begin our chapter-by-chapter discussion of Hitoshi Iwaaki’s PARASYTE. Alien organisms land on Earth, take over the brains of some inhabitants, and then start eating some! But it’s not all horror, as a high scho...
Season 2
Episode 1

"Journey's End" (part two)
The conflicts of FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST — foiling Father’s plan, Ed and Al getting their bodies back — were resolved last episode ... but chapter 108 isn’t over! This time, we discuss the many loose ends that Hiromu Arakawa ties up to conclude the...
Season 1
Episode 109

"Journey's End" (part one)
Ed gets in the final blow on Father! Ed and Al’s quest for their real bodies reaches its conclusion! FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST is almost done, as Tim and Patrick split the extra-long 108th and final chapter into two parts. In this episode, we ...
Season 1
Episode 108

"The Last Battle"
Father has reached godlike levels of power! Ed, Al, and their friends do their best to control the threat he poses to humanity. In the penultimate chapter of FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, can the Elrics turn the tide? Tim and Patrick note that this chap...
Episode 107

"Pride's Abyss"
So just what was it that Scar’s brother noticed about Amestris’ alchemy (back in chapter 59!) that was “strange”? At last we find out, as Scar employs is brother’s plan to counteract Father! But Father has other tricks up his sleeve......
Episode 106

"The Throne of God"
Father’s plan is coming to fruition! As the eclipse continues, he takes advantage of ALL his countrymen to get ALL the power! Can Ed, Al, Hoenheim and their comrades turn the tables on him? Tim and Patrick discuss FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 10...
Episode 105

"The Center of the World"
The eclipse is here! Father/"Mr. Eyeballs" sets his plan in motion! Can Ed, Al, and company fight back? Tim and Patrick give the play-by-play on FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 104, with ... well, fewer digressions than usual.
Episode 104

"For Whom?"
It becomes clear in FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 103 that causing Mustang to open the portal shouldn’t have been possible, and Pride did it at some cost to himself. How will that play out? Will Mei be able to beat Father, a.k.a. “Mr. Eyeballs”, ...
Episode 103

"Before the Portal"
What happens when Mustang is forced to open the Gate of Truth against his will? Ever seen two nameless men fight to the death? And why on earth would Al turn down a chance to get back in his real body? As we move closer to the climax of the sto...
Episode 102

"The Fifth Human Sacrifice"
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 101 asks some important questions: Will Hawkeye bleed to death? How will Pride and Father open the portal? And… is it possible to talk while strangling someone with your tongue? Tim and Patrick have (correct?) answer...
Episode 101

"Holding the Gate"
Can you believe we’ve done 100 episodes now? Can you believe we’re almost done with the series??FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 100 hits us hard, with two deaths, a serious injury, and … whatever that is that’s happened to Hoenheim. The ecl...
Episode 100

"Eternal Rest"
Stuff gets real as Foo and Bradley fight it out! Ed, Al (finally in Central City), and Izumi disappear from their respective locations! Tim and Patrick discuss FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 99. Plus: Volume 24 back matter! Does a video game ad re...
Episode 99

"Greed Without Limits"
Battles continue, as Lin/Greed takes on Bradley, and Olivier and Izumi continue to kick butt and take names. Who else is stepping in to take on Bradley? Who has the strongest abs? Will we actually SEE Ed or Al this time? Tim and Patrick discuss...
Episode 98

"The Two Philosophers"
A transformation by Father, the return of the bad guy we just KNEW would be back, and the terror of facing off against a toilet-slipper-wielding Izumi Curtis feature in FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 97! Tim and Patrick are wondering where the %&a...
Episode 97

"Two Strong Women"
As the dolls continue their rampage, the tide turns against Sloth, and we finally get a look at the showdown between Hoenheim and Father, our discussion of FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 96 stumbles over one very confusing (at least, to us) panel!...
Episode 96

"Beyond the Inferno"
Can Mustang avoid being consumed with revenge? Can the Armstrongs and military avoid being consumed by artificial soldiers? Will fighting consume too much energy for Sloth? It’s FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 95 - and we talk about the back matter...
Episode 95

"The Flames of Vengeance"
As the fight continues in FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chapter 94, we have questions: Why has broadcast media seemingly advanced more in Reole than other cities? How has the Amestrian military flunked Controlling the Media Narrative 101? And more import...
Episode 94

It’s another chapter with several simultaneous fights! Marcoh’s life is saved, hilariously, from Pride’s spike; the Armstrongs continue to battle Sloth; and Mustang demands to know who killed Hughes. Also, what was the crazy chapter title in th...
Episode 93